Can You Put a Vinyl Liner in a Concrete Pool?

Can You Put a Vinyl Liner in a Concrete Pool

Many concrete pool owners are being inquisitive whether they should get their pools lined with vinyl or not. For all such people who have this question hitting their minds, the answer is a big ‘yes’. Yes, you can get your pools lined with vinyl lining for many reasons. It can save you from getting your pool renovated later on and save you from some unnecessary expenses arising because of various reasons.

Before you get in touch with a concrete pool builder in NJ or around your region, first consider a Vinyl Lining for your pool. A vinyl lining is a cost-effective option to consider and can increase the longevity of the pools. There are various vinyl pool designs in NJ to choose from. Here are a few reasons as to why one would require putting a vinyl liner in concrete pools:

Leakage in the pool

Leakage in the pool

One of the most probable reasons to get your pool covered with vinyl liner is to avoid leaks in the pool. Finding out the leakage area and further fixing it may be a bit tricky task and thus it is better to opt for vinyl lining rather than getting into a situation in the future where you have to get the leak fixed. Repairs can be a hard nut to crack, and vinyl lining can not only be an alternative to the repair needs but is also a quick and effective solution for the same.



Spotting cracks in your concrete pools is not a pleasant sight at all, and you would never want to witness such a thing. Also, your pool may also show signs of aging in the form of cracks and crevices. Regardless of In ground Pool Installation in NJ or any other type of installation. Crack may arise. In such a case if you want to remodel your pool without actually getting a new one installed, you can consider opting for vinyl lining in your pools. Not only is it this vinyl lining a tempting option to opt for the get rid of the cracks, but it is also a budgeted option to consider as a pool owner.

To get rid of the rough surface

custom swimming pools nj

We all know that concrete pools have a rough surface and vinyl liners over the concrete pools can actually help in smoothing the surface. You may fee; the surface of the concrete pools not treating your feet right and may also happen to find cuts and bruises on your feet due to the roughness. And if you are particular about foot care, changing your concrete pools from inside by giving it a vinyl coating is one of the best options that you can consider. 

Budgeted option

custom swimming pools nj

Pool installation is a costly affair in comparison to the concrete pools. Also getting your concrete pools lined with tiles and plaster can drain out some tremendous amount of money from your bank. So if this is your case when aging of your pool starts to hit your eyes and you cannot afford to get it lined with tiles, the vinyl lining is a feasible option to consider. It can lower down the lining cost up to 50% of what you would invest in tile lining. So vinyl lining can be taken off as a budgeted affair that can lower down your financial burden.

When you are moving out of your house

When you are moving out of your house

When you plan to sell your home and have a pool that can increase your house value, considering vinyl lining can be an excellent option. It will make it look more attractive and can conceal any kind of cracks, crevices, and unpleasantness. Your potential buyers may not like the sight of cracks and leaks. So it is better to get your pools ready beforehand so that your backyard gains a reason to be highlighted.

Bottom Line:

So these were a few sure shot reasons to get your concrete pools lined with vinyl. Without having to consult Concrete Pool Contractors in NJ or concrete pool builders. So now since you know the intentions of getting your pools lined with vinyl, make sure that you don’t waste time delaying the vinyl lining to give a treat to your feet when you dive down the blues.